S&A brand CW-5200 air cooled chiller ‘s cooling capacity up to 1.4KW , ±0.3℃ temperature control precision and temperature control range in 5-35℃.

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate touch screen controal interface; FIFO(first in first out),LIFO(last in first out) and through function optina;
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The Japan Continuous Mining Machines Industry 2016 Market Research Report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Continuous Mining Machines industry.

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Following the concept of IPM and our requirements of medically healthy operational standards, we are specialized in providing safety termite and pest control services. With our medical and pest contr

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Product Name:sSolenoid valve spring force adjustment Shims Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:12V ,24V,12V LONG,12V SHORT,12V IN,24V OUT

Product Name:solenoid valve Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:12V ,24V,12V LONG,12V SHORT,12V IN,24V OUT

專業家居/辦公室/補習社 清潔服務
s家居 / 清潔及滅蟲sanenon327

Available position in Hospitality Industry are: Marketing, Bar& Waiter Catering and Conference Services, Hospitality Management, Receptionist, Activity staff, Resort Rep, Food Service Assistant etc...

冷氣機安裝清洗維修 (Air conditioner cleaning and maintenance)
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